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Sunday, October 2

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Blood relationship is always found to be stronger and valuable than mere friendship formed through acquaintances. Blood ties are lasting. They have a firmer bond of affection than all other relationships. Friends may be sincere and willing to help. But they have got their limits. They often stop when they find themselves to be in troubled waters. But blood relatives such as father, mother, brother or sister will stand by our side risking even their necks. They in fact are our true allies. There might be exceptions to this rule. But true and sincere friends are often hard to get. Even if they are true and sincere, we cannot expect the greatest sacrifice from them. They give more importance to their own kith and kin. So even if true and sincere friendship is to be regarded with due credit, we should value the blood ties more. The most unselfish service is often got from our kith and kin than from friendship formed through acquaintance. They last longer and are often found to be stronger than the later.

The words blood and water are used figuratively in this proverb. Blood means kinship, whereas water means acquaintanceship or friendship. Blood is thicker and more endurable than water. The mark made by blood cannot be easily erased. But some water poured on a surface does not leave any mark. The connection we have with those who are our relatives can be compared to blood. It is strong and lasting. But we do not have strong and lasting connection as this with those who are our friends or acquaintances. Hence it can be compared to water. Though it may be possible to cite certain exceptions, It cannot be denied that kinship is a strong tie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. It became so helpful to me for my project.

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